FRIENDS Events - Child Advocates of Fort Bend

Annually in October and in the Spring, Friends Council hosts a morning Friends Coffee and an evening Martini Night at a private home.  These are opportunities to welcome new members, share the many contributions made by the council during the year and enjoy a guest speaker, fashion show, decorating ideas or other entertainment. 

2025 Friends Spring Fling

See photos below from our FRIENDS Fall Coffee on October 22, 2024.


Join FRIENDS today to make sure that you get your invite to the next event!

Get membership form and JOIN NOW!

FRIENDS Backpack Drive

Each year FRIENDS provide backpacks and school supplies to children served by Child Advocates of Fort Bend. In August of 2024, FRIENDS members provided backpacks for more than 201 children we serve! Backpacks are purchased in bulk using FRIENDS members’ $50 annual membership dues.

CAFB adheres to a strict Zero Tolerance for Child Abuse Policy in our practices and operations.