Child Advocates of Fort Bend provides a comprehensive suite of services to children who have been abused or neglected (and their families) through two nationally-affiliated programs.
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
Our CASA program advocates for children’s “best interests” in the foster care system by recruiting, training and deploying community volunteers called Guardians ad Litem or CASAs to provide a voice for children in the courts. The CASA Program ensures that the children’s medical, physical, educational, and emotional needs are being met. Often the one consistent adult in these children’s lives, CASA Volunteers provide consistency and stability.
Supervised by a staff of professionals, CASA Volunteers are assigned to 100% of the children in the foster care system in Fort Bend County. We serve approximately 250 – 300 children annually.
Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC)
We lessen the emotional trauma to child victims by providing direct services to child victims and by coordinating the investigation, assessment, prosecution and treatment of sexual and serious physical abuse. The CAC serves as the safe, child-friendly place that alleged victims are brought by Child Protection Services or law enforcement. Services are coordinated with partner agencies in a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) approach to help these children and their non-offending family members cope, heal and move forward from the abuse and the trauma that results.
CAC employs a professional staff of clinicians and social workers. They provide an array of services (all free of charge) including forensic interviews, victim and family advocacy, therapy/mental health services, case coordination and criminal court advocacy.